General Discipline
- Carrying and use of mobile phones is prohibited in the campus. If student is found in possession of handset, it will be confiscated. Repetition of any such act is liable to lead to suspension from .
- In case the child wishes to bring mobile, then the mobile phone can be kept in locker available in the at an annual rent of Rs. 500 along with security of Rs. 500.
- A decent cultures behaviour is expected from the students while interacting with juniors, friends and teachers. Use of abusive and indecent language will be liable to disciplinary action.
- Coming late to school is not allowed. gate will be closed at 8:00 a.m. sharp.
- Applying henna, nail polish and makeup or streaking hair is strictly banned in.
- Hair colouring or tattooing is also not allowed.
- Students without proper uniform will not be allowed to enter the . Follow the uniform code strictly.
- The authorities reserve the rights to rusticate those pupils from the whose conduct is not found satisfactory.
" Education is most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world - Nelson Mandela "