- Students must be punctual and come to school on time.
- No child will be allowed entry after start of school i.e. 8:00 am.
- Lady helpers will be on duty to escort the students of Nursery to and from the gate.
- As far as possible, once a child has come to school, he/she should not ask for short leave.
- A gate pass will be issued to students who deviate from normal mode/time of dispersal because of unavoidable circumstances. The parent concerned must collect the Gate Pass as well as the child from the school reception. No parent would be allowed to go to the class himself/herself for this purpose.
- Students who come to school and go home in the care of attendants can not leave without the attendant. In case of any delay, they should report to the school reception.
- In case anyone other than the authorized attendant comes to pick up a student, they must carry an authorization letter.
" Education is most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world - Nelson Mandela "