Fee Schedule
- All fee is payable in advance (through cheque or DD) on or before the date mentioned, the 10th of the concerned month. Fine of Rs. 10/- per day will be charged after the due date mentioned above.
- Additional Penalty: if the fee of the quarter is not paid, the student’s name will stand removed from the school rolls. The name will be reinstated only on payment of an additional penalty apart from regular fine.
- Bus fare is chargeable for 12 months.
- The Cheque/ Draft must contain Student’s particulars and residence Ph. No. at the back.
- Cheque received for 10th of the month will be accepted only if a day’s extra amount is included in the Cheque/ draft.
- Cheque returned by the bank on which it is drawn, for any reason whatever shall be treated as non-payment of dues, in that case an additional amount of Rs. 500/- shall be charged towards cheque bounce charges.
- It is not mandatory for the school to issue reminders regarding non-payment of fees.
- All queries regarding Fee shall be taken up directly with the accounts section.
- Transport Charges vary according to distance.
- Fees are subject to revision at the discretion of the Management.
- Fees once paid are not refundable.
- The School cash counter opens at 8:30 a.m. and closes at 1:00 p.m.
" Education is most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world - Nelson Mandela "