Addmission Procedure
- Parents/Guardians are required to register their wards for admission. Registration form and Prospectus can be obtained by depositing the enrolment fee.
- After registration, date of entrance test is notified. The qualifying test is in English, Mathematics and Hindi for class I to III and English, Mathematics and Science for Class IV onwards. Since the medium of instructions is English, understanding of English language will help the child in grasping the subjects better. Children with little knowledge of English are put through remedial classes and special modules for quicker grasp of the language.
- After the child clears the entrance test and admission is confirmed, parents are required to deposit the fee as per the fee schedule, in cash or through a demand draft by the given date, failing which the seat will be offered to the next eligible candidate. Transfer Certificate/Report Card of the last school attended should accompany the Registration Form. No change of Date of birth will be permitted.
- For admission to the Kindergarten the child should be 3 1/2years of age. Admission as a resident student is preferably available to students above 5 years or in Class I. However, in exceptional cases the request for younger children may be considered.
- Admission to Class XI are considered on the basis of marks/grades of Class X and availability of seats.
" Education is most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world - Nelson Mandela "